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KhooSeller Guides

(Formerly iPages Support)

Email Templates

Email templates are very useful for pre-configured emails that you want to send to customers. This can include information about their order, account, delivery options or more. 

 1. Navigate to Settings - Email - Templates 

Click "Add" to make a new template.

2. Templates have a type:

  • Customer - relating to their customer details
  • Order - relating to order details, such as order ref, delivery date, etc.
  • Invoice - relating to their invoice, such as invoice ref, amount, invoice pdf, etc.
  • Shopping Cart - relating to their cart, such as cart contents, cart amount, a button to buy, etc.


3. Fill out the subject, From name, From Email and any BCC. 

4. You can use the body to write the email, and pre-fill with a variety of fields from the area below. The fields vary depending on the type you choose. 

5. You can use these emails depending on their type.

  • Customer email templates -> From the Sales-> Customer-> Email Action 
  • Order email templates -> From Sales -> Orders -> Email Action
  • Invoice -> From Sales-> Invoices -> Email Action
  • Shopping Cart -> From Reports - Sales Activity - Sales Reports - Live shopping carts -> Email Action