Introducing Matomo Stats
We integrate with Matomo to provide you with valuable insights about the people who visit your site. If you're using eCommerce on your website you'll also have access to additional statistics.
Matomo Visit Summary
The Matomo Visit Summary can be found on your KhooSeller Dashboard. It gives you a glimpse of the overall visitor statistics for the month.
The visit summary also provides you with a report that allows you to view a variety of statistics about your website such as the total number of page views, how long people stay on your website per visit and the bounce rate.
Matomo eCommerce
The Matomo eCommerce Statistics can be found on your KhooSeller Dashboard. If you're using eCommerce on your website then you'll have access to this additional report based on your online shop.
We've taken steps to provide you with additional information, which includes; Your Top Sellers, Your Recent Order Summary - broken down into days, orders and net income, and Your Monthly Sales Comparison - identifying the number of orders in the month and the net revenue from these sales.
Matomo Referer Keywords
The Matomo Referer Keywords report can be found on your KhooSeller Dashboard This gives you a glimpse of the keywords which are being used to find your website. It also provides information on the search engines users are using to find you.
This could be helpful in understanding how your customers find you and the steps you can take to try and make it easier to connect with your customers.